Thursday, July 29, 2010


I have successfully celebrated quarter of century this year. Happy coz had been in this beatiful world for 25 years already but at the same time sad coz i'm getting old. u know....women's fear of getting old; wrinkles around the eyes, dry skin, monopause, white hairs, teeth drops....ussshhhh.... cann't imagine. The worst quote describing women's age is " Men's life starts at 40, while Women's expire at the age of 40". Arghhhhhhh................

But this is not i want for sure. I want to have a graceful aging. Do u know wat is meaning of graceful aging.....? Graceful ageing means for a beautiful and soothing proceess of aging. We will accept the truth we r getting old and take the process easily and comfortable. It also means that u will be in the mood of steady and calm.
Complicating?.... ok let me put it simple so tht everyone will hv a picture of wat is graceful aging.

'Have u seen, old lady taking her morning walk in the park at 7am? She will smile and greet everyone who passes by her, her face will be looking calm and just like in deep thought.If u ask her what she wants, her answer will be simple. She will ask for happiness of her family. She will reply, " I'm old ready, i don't want anything, i'm waiting for my time to go back to GOD"..., ths is an example of graceful ageing'.

Old age people who lead life without depending on others, who can show unconditional love to everyone (including their daughter in law), who give advise wisely, who teach the whole family the meaning of cultures and tradision are the one having graceful ageing. If i were given a chance to lead another 25 years in my life(i will be 50 years old then).., i wish i will lead my golden age with gracefully.

How to attained these graceful ageing? It is simple. Gain knowledge as much as u can. Don't close the door of learning in ur life coz learning is a life long process. Spend your time, reading good books. Reading books is much much better than watching tv serial at the old age. Old age is beatifull period in our life, where we were given temporary visa by GOD to make unperfect life to be little more perfect. Once the call from GOD arrived, you have to leave the world no matter what happen.It is just like, the climax of movie, the value of the whole movie is condensed more to last chapther. Old age is also like the last chapter of our life story. Treasure it.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Smile......... I was very impressed to see this video. Suddenly, feel like 1000 watt bulb was turn on me. I did nothing...just smile heart fully. A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give."eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...."