Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm beautiful.....

Please don't jump into conclusion by looking at the title.......The statement "i'm beautiful" means..... ALL HUMAN BEING ARE BEAUTIFUL.....
Sometimes, we always compare ourself with TV celebrities and down grade our own beauty....If your a girl, i'm sure..u'll be nodding your head , up and down.
 We always wanted to be tall like a Anouskha....slim and trim like Shreya..... pretty like Aishwarya Rai....have sweet smile like Shilpa Sheety...... and be elegant like Kajol.( The standard differ from each individual, morely based on which language entertainment you always watch). We prefer to be in perfect simple justification..." A modern living CLEOPATRA" he he he he he... I have seen some of my friends really struggle to be beautiful all the time. 
Back to the story, i honestly feel that everyone are beautiful. No matter what, everyone has the element of beauty in them. Some girls complain that they have dark complexion, but they will look very sweet indeed. Some girls who are fat.....used to have adorable innocent look. Beauty on the face does not last long, but the inner beauty is the one that last forever with us. A beautiful heart is more valuable...than a make up face..
God has created all of us in such a beautiful way..... He loves us so much that even each of our cell are beautiful.......( I was browsing some image of white blood cell this morning, then i come across this beautiful pictures taken using SEM. I was amazed by its beauty......imagine our single cell in body can be so beautiful...i'm sure we, human body which resembles millions milllions of cell...are beautiful too......

The cell in the middle is a white blood cell.

They look like little cinnamon candies here, but they're actually the most common type of blood cell in the human body - red blood cells (RBCs)

Regular trimmings to your hair and good conditioner should help to prevent this unsightly picture of a split end of a human hair.

Here's what it looks like to see a close-up of human hair cell stereocilia inside the ear. These detect mechanical movement in response to sound vibrations.
This image is of a purple, colour-enhanced human egg sitting on a pin. The egg is coated with the zona pellicuda, a glycoprotein that protects the egg but also helps to trap and bind sperm. Two coronal cells are attached to the zona pellicuda.
And the cycle of life begins again: this 6 day old human embryo is beginning to implant into the endometrium, the lining of the uterus.

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